* There is nothing you can do on the Loader side. * Since minime folder setting is required, click the 'Select folder' button on the 'Loader setting 1' tab (this setting is common to each game). * It is necessary to copy SEGATOOLS to the game folder to execute. * The executable file name is 'chuniApp.exe'. * Change the resolution from the 'Loader setting 1' tab (full screen only). * The execution file name is 'BppGame-Win64-Shipping.exe'. * D3DWrapper on Game Loader cannot be used.
* Be sure to disable window mode on spicecfg.exe. * Change the language from the 'Loader setting 1' tab. * The execution file name is 'spice64.exe'. * Since this setting is common, it is not necessary to set it for each game. * When using, please enable 'Taskbar auto-hide on?' In 'Other 3' tab. Last time, Lost Land Adventure and Star Wars re-added 'Taskbar auto-hide setting on?' As a common setting. * When using, enable 'Low-spec PC mode' on the 'Loader setting 1' tab. Added 'Low Spec PC Mode' to Lost Land Adventure and Star Wars.